What Winter Means For A Property (And How To Prepare)

Published On October 27, 2021 | By Oliver | Home Improvement

Whether you are looking to ensure your personal property is ready to weather the colder season or you are needing to ensure a holiday home is able to be left unsupervised for a few winter months, you will need to make certain preparations before the year ends. These preparations, depending on the age and integrity of your property, can be relatively minor or quite substantial. However, all jobs will pale in comparison to the potential damage that can be experienced when a home is damaged by the winter season.

Burst pipes, cracked windows, clogged drains; just a few relatively extremely forms of damage that can affect your home during winter. If you’re fortunate, you will be able to catch them early and either prevent them from occurring or stop the damage from spreading. However, some homeowners aren’t so lucky and, before they realise, their home is made unlivable.

To prevent this from happening, here is a list of jobs that are essential for your winter preparation.

Clear Drainage

Whether autumn’s crisp leaves have fallen across your garden or increased rainfall has created mud, it is hugely important that you clear and prepare your drains ready for winter. Debris collecting across a roof, as well as atop exterior drains, is one of the leading causes of leaks within a home. Failing to install guards or clean your drains before winter can quickly lead to water damage across walls and even roofs.

Organise Garden

As your garden will be dealing with the brunt of the harsh weather, you will want to ensure that it is tidy and structurally sound before the season turns. Concrete and other hard substances can crack during periods of quick temperature fluctuation and wood furniture can rot during heavy rainfall. Outbuildings, such as log cabins, will also need to be fitted with insulation or heating if they are to be usable during the low temperatures!

Restore Insulation

Your home may have effective heating but relying solely on the power of your radiators or stove is a foolish enterprise, namely because it will end up costing substantially more than is required. Be sure to check your windows and home insulation before working on internal heating sources. Covering windows in clingfilm and leaving a small corner unstuck will quickly reveal any drafts that are making their way into your living space.

Boiler Inspection

Boilers often go unnoticed until they fail. And, when they fail, they often fail spectacularly, causing the loss of hot water and heating at a time when a family or individual need it most. Organising a boiler inspection prior to the winter season is a small cost that can save you a large amount of stress and money. It will not only reveal if your boiler needs any repairs but it will also help to tune it up, ensuring it performs to its best potential.

Protect Pipes

Adding an extra layer of insulation to your water pipes, or ensuring that a boiler automatically comes on at regular intervals will prevent your pipes from freezing during winter. A single pipe bursting can quickly destroy a home, which is why this line of defence against the cold is paramount to undertake.

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About The Author

Oliver Beau Martinez: Oliver, a home security expert, provides recommendations on security systems, safety tips, and ways to make homes more secure.