Solar power a better alternate for power grid
Traditionally produced electricity is costlier than the solar power. You have to invest one time and get the benefits of the renewable energy source till the sunlight is there. The sunlight is used as the fuel in the solar power production, which is available free of cost, therefore production of solar power seems to free of cost.
How to build your own solar power plant?
You can build your own solar power plant with the help of solar panels. You have to buy the solar panels in any number according to your budget or your electricity consumption. Then you have to place these solar panels in open space available in your house where sunlight is available throughout the day. Though you can place the solar panels anywhere they get direct sunlight, but it is advised to place them on your terrace so that they do not get harms from your day to day activities and can continuously produce the electricity for your use. After placing your solar panels at appropriate place you have to connect an inverter to convert the form of current produced by the solar panels, from DC to AC. And after the conversion, you can use the power to run the electrical appliances.
How much it costs?
Solar panel prices depend on the number of cells present in the panel to convert the sunlight into the electric power. More the number of solar cells is present in the solar panel higher is its price. The solar panel price can be estimated easily with the power of the panel. A 10 watt simple panel cost you about R150. Though rebate in the prices are available in various stores, also when you are buying a larger capacity solar panel you have to pay less.