Norman Architecture

Published On June 1, 2017 | By Oliver | Roofing & construction

Norman Architecture, named so because of its underlying foundations in Normandy, emerged in the Middle Ages. It started in the mid eleventh century and finished by the twelfth century, taking after the Saxon engineering development and going before the Gothic development. Norman engineering is a type of the predominant Romanesque Architecture that was spread by the Normans (or Vikings) who vanquished England. Its advancement offered ascend to extensive and impervious houses of prayer, strongholds, palaces, and fortresses.

The original religious community building emerged amid this development, with its squat structures that were either rectangular or roundabout. For example, the famous nunnery Mont-Saint-Michel was worked in the Norman period. Actually, the lion’s share of Norman Architecture is religious structures, from town houses of worship to imperial church buildings. A sign of Norman holy places is their cross-like shape, getting from the Roman basilica design. These houses of worship likewise had ringer towers, or campaniles, which were fabricated adjacent the primary church structures.

The quintessential medieval palaces are likewise an unmistakably Norman development. They emerged in England as well as in Scotland, Ireland, Normandy, and even Italy. In Italy, be that as it may, Norman elements were joined with Byzantine and Arabic styles, which made for less anguish.

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Oliver Beau Martinez: Oliver, a home security expert, provides recommendations on security systems, safety tips, and ways to make homes more secure.