How A Home’s Design Can Improve Your Mental Wellbeing
At a time when mental health has become an important consideration for many, especially now that we are spending a greater amount of our lives, both professionally and personally, at home, a great number of residents are, justifiably, taking strides to improve their wellness. One of the most effective ways to do this is through our property’s interior design.
The spaces within which we make a habitat have a profound effect on our mental health and any individual who has had to make compromises in their accommodation will know how quickly our wellbeing can deteriorate. And, alternatively, during times when we occupy a pleasant space, one that complements and even exemplifies our personalities, we typically find ourselves more gleeful.
There are a number of studies that take this into consideration and it is why homeowners often spend great amounts of time and money on designing their homes. As we enter a period of remote working and socialising within residential spaces, this interest is even more important. Thankfully, there are many interior design decisions that can support better mental health, even when a larger part of our lives are indoors.
Welcoming nature into our living spaces is fundamental. Historically, there has been a more distinct divide between the outdoors and our living spaces but, as recurring periods of isolation have become commonplace, now we are blurring this boundary, realising the benefits that nature can bring.
Such a design can manifest itself as halfway spaces, such as balconies, sunrooms, and log cabins, those within which we can feel more totally immersed in the outdoors, seeing it all around us. Other homes install larger windows and skylights, encouraging as much sunlight and visibility as possible into their living spaces. The effect of this counters our increasingly digital and artificial home designs, such as those that orient around screens and non-natural sources of light.
Homes can also use colour to the advantage of a resident’s happiness. White has become popular due to its association with the trend of minimalism, with homes seeking to create a more curated space, however, this should prevent individuals from embracing their own desires. In fact, colours, aside from complementing our own tastes, can also have an effect on our mood, with vibrant tones invigorating others and pastels helping us to relax.
Alongside such designs, dedicating a space specifically for wellness is important too. Residents are commonly inclined to create rooms and nooks for their professional lives, as well as for socialising, and yet fewer seem willing to put aside the space for their own relaxation. This could be in the form of a yoga studio or a reading den. As long as there is a room within your home within which you can restore and relax, escaping distractions such as one does in a home office, your wellbeing will improve.
By acknowledging these priorities within our living spaces, our mental health has the potential to improve. So, whether you are looking for new stylish ideas or are simply looking to support your wellness at home, it is interior design that deserves your attention.